Submit form, output twitter

Good Evening.

This is probably a stupid question, so i do apologise if it is.

I am new to app development on the IOS platform (web development i've done alot of), and I'm begining to work on an app that has the ability for a user to fill in a form, and then upon pressing submit, it formats that output into a simple tweet.

To provide a better understanding the process is as follows.

- User Selects new report

- Selects report type from dropdown (this will have the @tag for the user account that the form will be tweeting, Example is that user selects Report one and it will output @report1 as example_

- User enters cariage number (example 123M)

- Breif description (example, This needs a clean)

- Attach Photo (example photo1)

RESULT OUTPUT (This is how the tweet should look from the input)

Dear @report1 , Cariage 123M, This needs a clean. (Photo Attached to tweet automatically).

It seems simple enough in my head, But I am trying to work out how to process this.

Can someone please provide some assistance on just where to start, I would really appreciate the advice.

Thanks 🙂


You might take a look at the standard Social framework.

Code hint: SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeTwitter)

This allows you to create Twitter posts quite easily.

Have fun,
