iPad A9 vs iPhone A10 chipsets

I am rendering the same amount of particles (using OpenGL ES) on the iPad 12.7" (with the original A9 chipset) as I am rendering on the iPhone 7 Plus (essentially indentical code).

But, even though both A10 CPU and GPU is purported to be faster than the A9, to my surprise, the A10 CPU is working much harder compared to the iPad's A9.

If I look at the Energy usage on the iPad Pro in Xcode, most the time it is at Low. While most of the time on the iPhone 7 plus it is Very High (sometimes it is even pegged out). That of course is a huge difference in power efficiency. I was expecting that the iPhone 7 Plus would have to work slighly less hard than the iPad Pro, not much much harder.

I would like to understand why, and would very much appreciate any insight into this behavior.


Don't assume your code/APIs are optimized equally for both chipsets, chassied flash ram, etc.