
Ive been getting this error and have no idea what it means, any advice is welcomed.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var numberOnScreen:Int = 0;

var converted = " ";

var convert = 0;

@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!

@IBAction func numberInput(_ sender: UIButton)


label.text = label.text! + String(sender.tag-1)

if numberOnScreen == 0


numberOnScreen = 0




numberOnScreen = Int(label.text!)!



@IBAction func extraButtons(_ sender: UIButton)


if sender.tag == 12


convert = Int(label.text!)! (Error is here)

converted = String(convert, radix:2)

label.text = String(converted)


else if sender.tag == 11


numberOnScreen = 0;

convert = 0;

converted = String(0);

label.text = " ";



override func viewDidLoad() {




override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {





Thanks again in advance!


You should start by reading my explanation for what


You’ve got three potential causes of this on the line you quoted:

  • label
    is nil (note there’s no exclamation mark for label because it’s implicitly unwrapped)
  • label.text
    is nil
  • label.text
    can’t be converted to an

You may be able to tease them apart in the debugger but, if you not, tease them apart in code. For example:

let l = label
let t = l.text!
convert = Int(t)!

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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