Error Editor placeholder in sourse file in getPixel call

Hi all,

Here is the script

import AppKit

import Foundation

import Cocoa

let location = "/users/alex/Desktop/1122.png"

let image = NSImage(byReferencingFile: location)

let pixEl = getPixel(_image: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>!, atX: 10, y: 10)

And it takes a error in last line. Tell me please, what's wrong?

Accepted Reply

is a method on NSBitmapImageRep. For this to work you’ll have to extract that image rep out of the NSImage. You can get the image reps from an image via the
property. So, your code might look something like this:
import Cocoa
let location = "/Users/quinn/Desktop/test.png"
let image = NSImage(byReferencingFile: location)!
let rep = image.representations.first! as! NSBitmapImageRep
var pixel = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 4)
rep.getPixel(&pixel, atX: 400, y: 350)
for channel in pixel {
    print(String(channel, radix: 16))

This is taking a lot of shortcuts. For example, it assumes that the image has a single image rep, that that image rep is a bitmap image rep, and that the bitmap has four channels.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""


is a method on NSBitmapImageRep. For this to work you’ll have to extract that image rep out of the NSImage. You can get the image reps from an image via the
property. So, your code might look something like this:
import Cocoa
let location = "/Users/quinn/Desktop/test.png"
let image = NSImage(byReferencingFile: location)!
let rep = image.representations.first! as! NSBitmapImageRep
var pixel = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 4)
rep.getPixel(&pixel, atX: 400, y: 350)
for channel in pixel {
    print(String(channel, radix: 16))

This is taking a lot of shortcuts. For example, it assumes that the image has a single image rep, that that image rep is a bitmap image rep, and that the bitmap has four channels.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
