Xcode 8 recompiles every file every build

Whenever I make a change to a file, like add a new property or create a new class, Xcode recompiles every single file on a build, and it takes quite some time. I've got this happening on the GM on two different computers (one running 10.12 one running 10.11).

I've tried:

  • copying every file to a new Xcode project created in Xcode 8 GM
  • removing every "Other swift flag" flag
  • removing all third party libraries
  • comparing my project's build settings to a new project's build settings
  • remove all test targets leaving just the one target I need
  • removing all ObjC code
  • removing all ObjC related flags

Really the kicker is that moving all my code to a new project shows that it's something in my code.

Any ideas? My productivity is way down having to wait ~ 1.5 minutes for every build / auto complete / syntax highlighting to work. And yes, I've cleared derived data 🙂


One more peice of information, I found this information https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-dev/Week-of-Mon-20160411/001693.html

which tells us about a "-driver-show-incremental" flag, which will cause queued dependancies to be listed in the build log. Sure enough I see what I think is every single swift file I have listed in the output. Trying to figure out if there's a way to make sense of what the dependancies are...

Output is something like:


Queuing Form.swift because of dependencies discovered later

Queuing SignInViewController.swift because of dependencies discovered later

Queuing EditProfileViewController.swift because of dependencies discovered later

Queuing ChangePasswordViewController.swift because of dependencies discovered later

Queuing JoinViewController.swift because of dependencies discovered later


Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of aandrewc Down vote post of aandrewc


I've seen on some other threads people might have too many development certificates loaded into their key chain that is causing signing to be slow. Anyhow, once the unecessary certs were removed it appeared to speed signing up for other people. Perhaps, that might be the same issue? Might be another point of failure.

I've had the proper number of certificates in my keychain and signing seems to not be an issue for me.

Perhaps the bug is how all these certs got into the keychain in the first place.(?)

Also happened to me. I'm very frustrated!
Xcode 8.2.1 keep compiles every single swift file in my project even I only add one letter to one file.

We had this issue as well and I found a workaround that is working for us.
In our project we are using CocoaPods and I noticed that when you change something in the code XCode doesn't recompile the Pods frameworks. Inspired by that I created a new target (SDK) that builds a framework containing code we are not going to change very often like: networking stuff and model structs. I added this framework as a target dependency on the main target. The framework creation is an annoying task because you have to add a lot of `public` keyword in order to see the SDK classes from the main target but build time has improved a lot now. I suggest to try this approach for the moment.

here is my two cents.

Background: I replace existing code signature of Xcode(8.2.1) using my certificate in order to use plugins I rely on . (mostly for XVim)

This problem started happening after I have revoked the existing certificate. I replaced signature of Xcode with new certificate but it had the same problem.

Then, I downloaded Xcode again from the developer downloads page and replaced signature with new certificate.

This made the problem go away.

Hope this can help.

I'm using Xcode 8.2.1 and a small change in one file still causes the whole project to recompile, not always, but most of the time. I work on a large project with hundreds of source files, a recompilation takes about three minutes. I guess that I spend about a quarter of my time waiting for Xcode to compile when I try out something new that requires frequent recompilation. So unfortunately the problem still isn't fixed and it brings Xcode to the brink of being unusable. This is really absurd.

I experienced the same issue, however mine was down to @IBDesignables constantly rendering out causing the build loop. Try updating to 8.2.1 as this fixed the problem for me.

Also running 8.2.1 and xcode recompiles everything each time(objective-c and c++ project). I will have to admit that I haven't read every post in this thread but the summary of possible solutions from this thread and stack overflow seem to be...

make sure optomizations are turned off

use only dwarf debug info

turn off 'find implicit dependencies'


In my case another interesting side effect seems to be a complete rebuild when I hit run, even if I have just hit build and then made no changes. An interesting way to test if this is happening for smaller projects is to use this neat recursive template to increase build times for one file in your project that you never change... https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2014/03/10/making-compiles-slow/

I've used the xcode default project for making an opengl game with only gamekit and it seems that in that scenario xcode does not do any rebuilding... ie include the recursive template if the template is changed build times are 30 seconds, if changes are made in other files build times are instant. Really not sure what changes I have in my project that make it build all every time versus the sample project but perhaps its time to create a new project file.


This happened to me, no matter which Xcode and what settings. It just keeps constantly rebuilding the whole project.

Fortunatelly I find a solution and I think it will solve this problem for many of us.

here is the link to the stackoverflow thread about it. Enjoy


So i found a solution for this problem.

It is simple as:

1) Open your target build settings and set the optimization level to None in your debug configuration.

2) Add a new user-defined setting called SWIFT_WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION and set it to YES

This will enable super fast compile times while allowing you to debug the application.

using the XCode UI to set the optimization level will add the flag -O which won't let you debug the app.

So what we need is just the swift whole module optimization alone.

I tried it and seems to help. Anyway, with this flag on I can't compile my test bundles anymore.

I get a bunch of:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"direct field offset for ............
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see `invocation)

Any working update? I tried everything in this thread and no one is still working. Thanks you.

Try to find @IBDesignable and comment it. It solved my problem

I've been having issues as well. It seems connected to the use of CoreData. I have read through the comments and tried many of the suggestions...no improvement! Sooooo frustrating. I'll be reporting a bug...