Troubles in GC MatchMaking?

From about 12:00 hours my players (Scala 40 and Rummy! apps) have trboules in finding adversaires online

the games uses the standard GC MatchMaking interface

does anyone else has this problem too?

thank you

I think there is some problem with Game Center matchmaking right now, although I'm not quite sure what it is. All I know is that the number of scores posted to my real-time match leaderboard for Today has dropped 40-50% in the past couple days.

Auto-matching is not working for me as well. Invite via sms seem to be broken for me too. Clicking on the sms bubble takes me to Game Center in settings.

- I tried to contact the Italian Apple Customer Support as player (not as developer) they were very kind and didn't find a solution for this problem

- I contacted the ITC customer support they reported that it is not their problem

- I wrote on this forum as you

- I tests both my apps, and other similar apps downloaded form the store and none works

it could be we have to sent a tecnichal support incident or file bug reports to Apple, annying because it costs and the problems seems to be an Apple problem and not an application one

any cloud? do you have an alternat way to contact somebody in Apple

is there somebody in Apple reading this forum?

thank you

I'm seeing similar behavior to you. Real-time invites are not working at all.

Real-time Messages-based invites take the user to Settings when they click to accept the invite. Real-time Game Center friend invites (old method) are immediately declined without the recipient of the invite seeing anything at all.

Turn-based invites (both Messages-based and Game Center friend invites) *are* working. So it's only real-time invites that are broken.

I've also had some reports that auto-matching isn't working well, but I'm not sure exactly what the issue is, only that it's taking an order of magnitude longer than usual to find an auto-match. Most people probably just give up thinking it's not working at all.

This is definitely an Apple issue. There's so little activity on this board. I have doubts that anyone from Apple will see this. We probably have to file bug reports to get this looked at and fixed.

Auto match and invites are working for me now. Hopefully this issue is resolved 🙂

Real-time invites are still *not* working for me. I don't know if auto-match has improved or not. But I think things are still broken.

I just filed a bug report (30018495).

It works for me only if both devices are connected to wifi. Fails when one of them is connected to LTE

I had both devices connected to wifi, but real-time invites didn't work.

automatching still not working here in Italy

for many apps not mine only

any clues?

some of you arrived to contact somone in Apple?

I filed a bug report, but I don't have direct contacts at Apple. I did find other mentions online of Game Center being down by the dev and users of another iOS game. The dev said he has contacts at Apple. He has emailed his contacts more than once about this problem, but he doesn't know what Apple is doing to fix it. Many users of the dev's game are saying they haven't been able to auto-match in the past many days.

thank you for your update

In my case I can SUCESSFULLY connect my 2 home devices from an Xcode run (iOS10.2 and XCode 8.2 within a private playerGroup) 100% of the times. However, there is always one of the two devices that crashes every 4 to 5 attempts right after having got the GKPlayerStateConnected status. Crashes occur on iOS9, iOS10.1, iOS10.2 and even iOS10.2.1 (beta)

Trying to connect to real online players FAILS 100% of the times, but with no crash.

I'm wondering why there is no beta-version for Game Center, including release notes (?)

Our company just received notice from Apple that a fix for this issue was deployed at 5pm PST.

We should see this issue resolve as the fixe propagates.

Did Apple say if they fixed both auto-matches and real-time invites? I just tested real-time invites (~11:30pm PST), and they haven't started working yet for me.

Real-time invites are now working for me (~4:45pm PST).

Troubles in GC MatchMaking?