Discovering HID Service over BLE

Hello All,

I am trying to communicate with BLE device which is using HID service through my iOS App using Core Bluetooth.

While discovering all Services , i cannot look HID Service but i can look other services. As per previous versions , Core Bluetooth doesn't expose HID peripheral service capabilities to apps.

Currently i am using Xcode 8 and iOS 10 version for development. Is there any update on exposing HID peripheral service in latest versions. If yes, how can i achive this?

I will appreciate any help!!


HID profiles are directly consumed by the system in iOS and not passed on to the apps.

Apps cannot interact with HID devices/services directly, but only through system services. For example, data from a keyboard device will come to an app as keyed in data, not through Core Bluetooth.

so,i want to know, how can i get the keyed in data from the keyboard?