crash in NSData subdataWithRange

after updating the xcode to 8.2. I rebuild one of my old project, found the APP will crash when [NSData subdataWithRange], if call it many times (more than 50), it will crash. But the code is normal before, i did nothing change for it.

the code as below:

while (alreadySndLen < fileSize)


sndDataLen = (unsigned int)MIN(SEND_SLICE_SIZE, (fileSize - alreadySndLen));

cmdHead.msgOffset = (unsigned int)alreadySndLen;

cmdHead.msgLength = sizeof(FILE_HEAD) + (unsigned int)sndDataLen;

sndRange.location = alreadySndLen;

sndRange.length = sndDataLen;

NSMutableData *cmdData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&cmdHead length:sizeof(CMD_HEAD)];

[cmdData appendBytes:&fileHead length:sizeof(FILE_HEAD)];

NSLog(@"new file len:%lu", (unsigned long)fileData.length);

NSData *subData = [fileData subdataWithRange:sndRange];

if (nil == subData)


NSLog(@"sub data %@ is nil", NSStringFromRange(sndRange));




[cmdData appendData:subData];



alreadySndLen += sndDataLen;

float progress = (float)alreadySndLen/(float)fileSize;

if (![[MMCMDMgr sharedCMDMgr] uploadFileSliceData:cmdData ofNode:memoID ofSlice:sliceID ofUser:usrID ofType:fileType ofProgress:progress])


return FALSE;




There’s not really a lot to go on here. A simple test indicates that

seems to be working in general.
NSData * d = [@"Hello Cruel World!" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    NSData * sd = [d subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(i % (d.length), 1)];
    NSLog(@"%@", sd);

How does it actually crash? Can you post a crash report?

How is your data generated?

If you extract that code into a simple test project, does it still crash?

Have run with zombies? What about address sanitiser?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""