local notification with airplane mode doesnt work

Hello, Everyone.

local notification that is set user location as trigger is not showed while i turn on airplane mode. Do you know why?

though i checked below apple documentation, it is written

"The device is in Airplane mode and unable to power up the necessary hardware."

But GPS anttena is working while airplane mode turn on.

Could you tell me which specific hardware doesnt work, so local notification is not showed?

or any other reason why local notification with airplane mode is not showed ?

Determining Whether Location Services Are Available

The device is in Airplane mode and unable to power up the necessary hardware.



Airplane Mode shuts down all radio hardware, both send and receive. This makes it impossible for the device to track its location, which in turn makes it impossible to trigger location-based notifications.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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