how long app keep alive in the background?

how long app keep alive in the background?

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { }

app 4 status:

1: app running in the foreground

2: app running in the background of memory

3: app not running in the background of memory, hang up

4: app was killed, no running, no in memory

when app status is " 2: app running in the background of memory", ios system has a default application running time.

this time I want to know how much is the concrete under different systems.

ios6 is 300 second?

ios7 is 180 second?






how long app keep alive in the background?

You have to define you what you mean by “alive”. Are you talking about running in the background? Or suspended in the background (that is, in memory but not running)?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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