Do swift 2.2 supports on ios 10.1.1 ?


My application is wriiten in swift's working fine on devices below 10.0.but crashes above 10.0.crashes occuring in google maps i need to update my application code to swift 3.0?


Currently Swift apps include the Swift runtime library. This means that the language and the OS are pretty decoupled; you can run an app built with any version of Swift on any version of iOS 7 and later. There’s certainly no requirement that apps running on iOS 10.1.1 must be built with Swift 3.

Whatever is causing your app to crash on iOS 10 is probably unrelated to Swift; I recommend you investigate it like any other OS incompatibility.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

i've implemented marker clustering(Google-maps Utils Library) along with google maps.crash i'm getting is on deallocating cluster manager object.i'm deallocating google map and cluster manager objects and delegate in viewDidDisappear as i'm initialising it in works fine upto 10.0,but for higher when i'm doing same in deinit it's not crashing meanwhile it crashes in lower version.below is my code



if(googleMapView != nil){

googleMapView!.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "myLocation")


if(clusterManager != nil)



clusterManager.setDelegate(nil, mapDelegate: nil)

clusterManager = nil



How do i manage this by putting condition for version?

Honestly, I’m not the right person to help you with Google libraries. In general, third-party libraries have their own support facilities and I recommend you ask there. However, I have some general points that I hope you'll find helpful.


is not the logical opposite of
. The latter is called once, as your view loads, but the former can be called multiple of times as your view goes and off screen. So, you can:
  • Set things up in

    and tear them down in
  • Set things up in

    and tear them down in deinit
  • Explicitly manage the setup/teardown state

How do i manage this by putting condition for version?

Conditionalising for the OS version is trivial (search the docs for

) but it’s almost certainly the wrong approach in situations like this. In general the rules for object lifecycle management don’t change from release to release of the OS. If things have broken on iOS 10, it’s probably the case that you weren’t following the rules properly and just happened to get away with it on iOS 9.

However, I can’t be 100% sure because I don’t know anything about the third-party library you’re using; there could be some OS-specific edge case there. Which brings me back to my first point: you’d probably be better off asking this via that library’s support channel.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""