Copy protection from Mac App Store


recently I published an App on the Mac App Store for sale. After a friend bought the App from the store I tried to copy it on another Mac to see if this was blocked or worked without problems. Unfortunately this works without problems and then it means that the App does not have a copy protection.

I had understood that the App purchased from the App Store were signed and could only be performed by the user who had bought them.

I have submitted the app in the store through the Xcode 8.1 and with the setting for the automatic signature.

I wish that the app purchased from the store is not copyable on other Mac users who have not purchased.

Someone can clear if I'm making confusion or anything?

Thanks in advance


Very similar to another post somewhere.

The answer is - an operating system that limits what programs can be run is overly restrictive for certain open environments. Apple did it for iOS but not for the Macs. It is up to the software developer to check the receipt or check a developer website to see if the software has permission to run on that device. Some software does that, other software does not. And some software checks and if the program is not 'entitled' to run on the device does the following - run for about a week and then start to bug-up and ***** the user who stole it. The '*****' could be simply to announce - "all your work will be lost if you do not buy a legit copy" or it could be something much more nefarious and suitable only for thiefs - but after all, isn;t that what you are at that point?
