[ATS] What is "Unqualified host names"?


My application need to connect to server in local network with public host name such as "abc.corporate-name.co.jp".

I set NSAllowsLocalNetworking to YES, then connecting private IP address or host name with .local/.private via http (not https) is success.

But, connecting to "abc.corporate-name.co.jp" is NOT success. All host name has same private IP address.

"Unqualified host names" are excluding ATS as writte in the document.

What is "Unqualified host names" ??




The documentation is using the term qualified in the DNS sense; see Fully Qualified Domain Name for some context. In this case, unqualified means has no dots.

My application need to connect to server in local network with public host name such as "abc.corporate-name.co.jp".

If the server has a public host name, you can add an entry for it in


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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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