Access to ligth detector and others sensors

Good afternoon,

I'm investigating whether there is an access framework to measure different variables such as:

- Light Detector: Natural Intrinsic Differences between (outdoor) and man-made (indoor) light

- Cellular Module: Cellular Signal strength varies Between indoor and outdoor (dividing walls)

- Magnetism Sensor: Intensity of Magnetic Field varies due to presence of electrical appliances.

On the other hand I was seeing that there is IOKit framework for access to all / some of these values, but it seems this is not a public library Xcode.

My questions are:

1- Is there a native iOS framework that allows me to measure these values?

2- IOKit Allows access to these values? If it's true, you can update IOKit so that whenever upload an app to store validation problems me not to use a private library?

Thank you very much


I presume you’re talking about iOS here; if not, let me know what platform you’re working on.

1- Is there a native iOS framework that allows me to measure these values?

No. To break things down:

Light Detector

There are no public APIs for accessing the ambient light sensor.

Cellular Module

There are no public APIs for getting cellular signal strength.

Magnetism Sensor

Information from the magnetometer is available indirectly via Core Location and Core Motion, but there’s no direct access to sensor values.

2- IOKit Allows access to these values?

As you’re aware, I/O Kit is not a public API on iOS, and thus this is not an appropriate topic for discussion on DevForums.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Yes, the question was related to iOS... Thanx for your answer!

There are no public APIs for accessing the ambient light sensor.

I have more to say about this on this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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