Contact design team

I've designed a new IPhone. I would like to show it to the design team. Please help!

  • Imagine a 2" depth super quiet rack-mounted Max with up to 8 terabytes of storage and slots for Avid Protools HD cards, 4+ thunderbolt ports, and as many USB ports as possible. That would be a must-have dream machine for all music producers.

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I phone nun kullanicilar için yere düşmesi. Bu ıphone ların ince ve zarif tutuşu olduğundan dolayı. Bunun için bir fikrim var kullanıcıların hoşuna gidecek ve daha kullanışlı bir iPhone olacak bir fikir.

I have a good ideal for a design of the next iPhone to change the world!!! Everyone will buy one

Imagine an iPhone that no matter how you hold it !! Is the front! Meaning that when you hold the phone to your face it recognizes your face !!! So both front an back of the phone no matter how it’s held is the front! So say you if you were to pick up the back of the phone it recognizes that it’s the back a changes it to the front!!!!! Then the famous Apple logo show on the other side .