Device Build fail to Xcode 8

I work with Xcode 8 (Mac OSX sierra) and i cannot run any app on my iPhone.

The build fails with error: error: Task failed with exit 0 signal 5

I can run the apps on the simulators, just not on a device.

The full error message:

error: Task failed with exit 0 signal 5 {

/usr/bin/codesign '--force' '--sign' '3CC7FF89D95E08EC1873A71D274A88E9B2EE4B99' '--verbose' '/Users/pbresson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/pickerEggs-ensuvwahvrjbjgebdslmiofpmlch/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'


Please help.

Accepted Reply

Finally I got solution:

I deleted a key named "1" in keychain access.


I'm in the same problem!

I got some error after updating to Swift 3.0, so according to here, I executed xattr-c to my derived data.

Then, I got this error.

Anyone know how to fix it?

Finally I got solution:

I deleted a key named "1" in keychain access.

Thank you twinsofrabbit 🙂

it's work