Highlight button for duration of MIDI note

How would I go about highlighting either a button or label for the duration of each MIDI note on a track while it plays?


Accepted Reply

If you are writing your own MIDI synth from scratch, you could add a notification callback for each MIDI note. Due to real-time behavior concerns, none of the Apple AU instruments currently provide public notification of note on/off changes. If you are attempting to use one of these AUs, I would suggest filing a radar asking for this ability.



If you are writing your own MIDI synth from scratch, you could add a notification callback for each MIDI note. Due to real-time behavior concerns, none of the Apple AU instruments currently provide public notification of note on/off changes. If you are attempting to use one of these AUs, I would suggest filing a radar asking for this ability.


Ok fair enough, I would like to implement something that displays the MIDI note being played and acts like a progress bar at the same time.

Thank you for the reply.🙂