Importing a PKCS8 key

My app allows the user to import a PKCS8 private key to use in the application which I will store in the keychain. The problem I am running into is how to handle the senario where the private key they want to use is already in the keychain. When I run this code

OSStatus err = SecItemImport((__bridge CFDataRef)keyData, NULL, &inputFormat, &itemType, kSecItemPemArmour, &importParameters, keychain, &items);

It is returning to me errSecDuplicateItem which is correct.

I need a way to reference that key in my application so how would I go about finding that duplicate?


This speaks to the question of keychain item uniqueness. I’ve discussed this before in the context of the iOS-style keychain. I don’t actually know how it works for the traditional Mac keychain but my guess is that it’s in a very similar way. To that end, when you import the key for the first time, what do you get back for


ps If you’re not familiar with the iOS-style vs traditional Mac keychain dichotomy, check out this post, which explains some background to this.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

I think this may have been a dumb question on my part. I am trying to figure out what to do with my app if the user trys to import a key for my application to use that is already in the keychain and is unknown to my application. When I am testing this senario I am generating the key using SecKeyGeneratePair in my app (and not setting

and then exporting it. So when I try to import that key it is already in the keychain. I think this senario may be an edge case so I will ignore this senario for now.