How to resume TVJS player from Pause?


I created tvjs media player by using below API calls

var player = new Player();

player.playlist = new Playlist();

var mediaitem = new MediaItem('video',streamurl );



Player starts playing the streamurl. If I set as PAUSE command like player.pause() command then the player is in pause mode.

If I want to resume then I issued the command similar to tvOS and iOS without creating new mediaitem, player is not

at all playing. I am performing trick play mode options on single media item.

Can anybody suggest to get the resume playback?


Have you tried wrapping the play call in a timeout like: setTimeout(, 50);

I tried but still it is not playing.

Hi pmuvva,

Can you please just clarify: are you saying that if you call .pause() on a player object, that calling .play() has no effect?

If so, please file a bug at
