SKScene transition fail


I'm building a SpriteKit app and now i have a problem with the SKTransitions

First, i built the whole app on one ViewController, but i notices fast that this isn't a good solution (it's my first app).

So i made a MenuViewController and a GameViewController, but when i outsourced

        let scene = GameScene(size: view.bounds.size)

        let skView = view as! SKView
        skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = true
        scene.scaleMode = .resizeFill
        scene.delegate = self


from MenuViewController (MainViewController) to GameViewController I had the problem that the Transition from GameScene to GameOverScene (another SKScene) didn't work. It's strange because i only changed the ViewController and i didn't do anything else on the Code.

I hope you can help me (if you need any other information, please let me know.)



I found out that the problem should be in the transition, because if i delete the transition (view?.presentScene(nextScene as! SKScene)) everything works fine.

Here's the code of the Transition:

func revealGameOverScreen() {
        let nextScene: AnyObject!
        let direction: SKTransitionDirection!
        if secondsOfLife > highScore {
            nextScene = GameHighScoreScene(size: self.size, scoreOfLife: secondsOfLife)
            direction = SKTransitionDirection.down
            highScore = secondsOfLife
        } else {
            nextScene = GameOverScene(size: self.size, scoreOfLife: secondsOfLife)
            direction = SKTransitionDirection.up
        let reveal = SKTransition.push(with: direction, duration: 2)
        view?.presentScene(nextScene as! SKScene, transition: reveal)

//Edit 2

Someone else had exaclty the same problem with iOS 9:

It's difficult for me to make a workarround, because it's a SKTransition.push (and it's really important for the game).

I can't delete the ViewControllers because i use an advertising framework and GameCenter (It wasn't possible for me to use these in a SKScene).


Maybe rewrite it slightly ? You probably don't need nextScene to start as AnyObject!

if let nextScene = GameScene(fileNamed: "NextScene") {
                nextScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
                self.view?.presentScene(nextScene, transition: reveal )

You can setup your transition variable outside of that block or within it. And the fileNamed: property could be a variable of course. Might help.

Same problem working with iOS 11, xcode 10.1 and swift 4.2!