I have been running into an issue where my SpriteKit game is crashing when run on iOS9.
I am using Xcode8-beta5, certainly possible this is a beta issue. But I was hoping to see if anyone else has seen this issue.
My game has an initial scene that just animates a logo across the screen- just a branding / splash screen. This loads and runs fine on iOS9, iOS10, and OS X.
I then transition to a new scene. This scene is the meat of the game. It works and runs fine on iOS10 or OS X. But if i try to run this on iOS 9, whether real device or simulator, the scene cannot load- it gets hung up for a while, while the memory usage quickly increases. If I wait long enough, I may see a crash in Xcode- sometimes when run on a real device, the memory leak can get so bad that the device will actually reset itself.
Ultimately I have narrowed down the issue to SKTextureAtlas. If I don't use it (comment out all SKTextureAtlas usage and relevant sprite animation code), my game will run on iOS9. But I have animated sprites that I am trying to use, so I would like to use SKTextureAtlas...
The error message I get in Xcode upon the app crashing is as follows:
Value passed for rendition key attribute out of bounds for u_int16_t Assertion failed: (0), function _CUIRenditionKeySetIntegerValueForAttribute, file /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreUI_Sim/CoreUI- 374.1.1/CoreTheme/ThemeStorage/CUIRenditionKey.m, line 23.
Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to work around it?