Redemption code to download 10.12 16A322 already used

In order to download and install the first developer GM build (16A319) of Sierra we needed a redemption code from the developer's download page. I am now trying to download the latest build, 16A322, but get an error message stating the redemption code already has been used. Obviously, Apple has not issued new redemption codes for the newer build. Does anyone know if these builds differ in a meaningful way or should we merely wait for the release version at this point?


I suspect you will get 16A322 if you go to the App Store and redownload from Purchases. However, I have not tried it yet. I am also interested in what is the difference between 16A319 and 16A322.

Same issue

Guy's In the App Store if it says Download then download, It then downloads 10.12 (16A322) I had the code has been redeemed issue but its beacuse (16A319) was pending, Once i downloded it installed 10.12 (16A322)

hope that helps


same here,

solution: download macOS Sierra from App-Store again, (Purchased Tab) the Download is 16A322.

just installed.

Yes, just will be 16A322.

I tried to redownload. It says "an error has occured".

Same issue here. I can't redownload from the App Store because it says "DOWNLOADED" and is grayed out. Unless Apple issues new redemption codes it looks like the only option is to wait for the release version.

Look into your Applications-Folder, delete it THERE and redownload it from your Purchases-tab into the Appstore.

You will get the latest GM.

The installer wasn't in the Applications folder, but I had a copy backed up on an external drive. I deleted that copy and now I can download from the App Store. Thanks.