Error connecting to internal site which has SHA-1 signatures in the certificate chain.


I noticed that iOS 10 does not allow for a connection to a server which uses SHA-1 signature in the certificate chain. While this is understandable for internet facing websites, is there a way to turn it off temporarily for an internal website on the intranet? The same app build with Xcode beta 3 runs fine on iOS 9, so I assume there's nothing I can place in the ATS section. I already have an exception for the server where among other attributes, I have the NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy set to NO. Is there some other attribute I can use to disable this? Turns out that the internal CA root certificate uses SHA-1, and it's going to take a while to have them generate a new one.

List of attributes for that server:

NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads YES

NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion 1.0

NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy NO

NSIncludesSubdomains YES

Error log:

[] nw_coretls_read_one_record tls_handshake_process: [-9801]

2016-07-20 0n:nn:nn.nnnnn <MyApp>[603:151956] -[delegate connection:didFailWithError:] [Line nnn] connection failed with error: Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=310 "There was a problem communicating with the secure web proxy server (HTTPS)." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://<intranet server>/<some rest root>/<rest call>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://<intranet server>/<some rest root>/<rest call>, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2096, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Please check your proxy settings. For help with this problem, contact your system administrator., NSLocalizedDescription=There was a problem communicating with the secure web proxy server (HTTPS).}

Thanks in advance,


Accepted Reply

Did you try running "nscurl --ats-diagnostics" against your internal server? It uses different ATS configuration parameters to verify the server connection from "strict" to "disabled". You can use the parameters which are suitable and allows your application to connect to the internal servers.

Hope this helps


Anyone have a definitive answer to this?



Did you try running "nscurl --ats-diagnostics" against your internal server? It uses different ATS configuration parameters to verify the server connection from "strict" to "disabled". You can use the parameters which are suitable and allows your application to connect to the internal servers.

Hope this helps