Will this reject my app - UISwitch not in a table view

I have a place in my app’s UI that isn't in a table view where I want to have a UISwitch or a control with similar functionality (needing a control that has an on/off state), but I see in the iOS Human Interface Guidelines that a UISwitch is only supposed to be used in a table view (In Human Interface Guidelines, UI Elements -> Controls -> Switch).

In saying that, do I need to create a custom control with similar functionality? Would this conflict with the UI Design Basics -> Integrating with iOS -> Use Standard UI Elements Correctly section of the Human Interface Guidelines since it mentions avoiding custom UI that does a standard action? If not, what is the best option so this part of my app complies with the Human Interface Guidelines? The location where I need this control is not a place that needs a table view (adding a table view would increase the app's complexity in this case).



I think it's perfectly fine to use a UISwitch outside a table view. As long as it "looks like" the Settings app (switch placed horizontally beside some label that describes what it does) so that users are familiar with how to use it, it doesn't matter what type of view it's contained in.

I have a couple of places where I use a UISwitch for a settings-like behaviour, but not in a table view, and they were approved just fine. The key is that it should be intuitive to use. Hand the app to a non tech savvy person and watch them to see if they can do stuff without you having to explain it.

That's kind of an odd guideline since it's indistinguishable to the user (and therefore App Review) whether you are using a table view, scrolll view or non scrollable view of some sort.

There are MANY examples of apps on the App Store that use switches in places other than tables (including most of mine).