What does GameCenterTurnBasedMatchmakerExtension invalidated mean?

I am seeing this console message.

plugin com.apple.GameCenterUI.GameCenterTurnBasedMatchmakerExtension invalidated

What does it mean?


Same issue here, in Swift 2.0 in iOS 9. I am sure it is related to the fact that end turn doesn't work.

Looking at when the message appears, I think it has something to do with the MatchMakingController being dismissed.

It seems to coincide when the new view controller tries to draw something.

It would be interesting if this caused some problem with turn sending.

I'm seeing this error too. Does anyone have any more insight to its cause and possible solution?



getting this too, i have seen a few other people with the same problem. never saw a solution 😟

It's definitely causing some problems for me. The match isn't finished correctly and the game is in a broken state.

I'm still seeing this error:

plugin com.apple.GameCenterUI.GameCenterTurnBasedMatchmakerExtension invalidated

It is often followed by another error:

no bundle for bundleID: (null)

I'm not certain the 2 error messages are related, but maybe.

Has anyone figured out a solution for either of these 2 errors?



I am getting this message as well, immediately after the gamecenter matchmaking controller being dismissed. I am able to continue playing the game, but at the end of the game, get an error when I call endMatchInTurnWithMatchData.