Unable to run Xcode 6.3.2 on 10.11 Beta 2

I installed the second Beta of 10.11 and Xcode 6.3.2 has stopped running.

The icon has the circle and slash symbol over it an when I click it ...

I get the above message. There's no update listed and attempts to reinstall it from the old downloads page only results in the same error.

Any suggestions?


Sorry, the screen shot may have not gone through, the error is:

In order to open "Xcode", you need to update to the latest version.

The version of Xcode installed on this Mac is not compatible with OS X El Capitan. You have "Xcode" 6.3.2. Download version 6.3.2 for free from the Mac App Store.

Hi there. Xcode 6.3.2 does not work with OS X El Capitan. You need to download the Xcode 7 beta. The error message you received ("You have "Xcode" 6.3.2. Download version 6.3.2 for free from the Mac App Store.") is incorrect and not helpful. Could you file a radar bug for it?

Good luck!

Is the using of Xcode 7 is a solution? What about Swift 2? It differest from 1.2 and I can't continue to develop on machine with Beta OS. That is ridiculous. I don't have 2-3 macs. I'm using one macbook and can't continue and finish a product. Becasue using Xcode 7, I even can't post apps to AppStore.

That is sounds very not good.

As I said in your other thread, if you need to "post apps to AppStore" then you shouldn't be using a beta OS. That has always been true and always will be. If you have production apps (or close to production) then you absolutely must keep your development platform stable at all costs. You cannot take risks or you will get burned eventually.

It runs if you open it via the Terminal.

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode </dev/null &>/dev/null &

Hope this helps!

uh ... did anyone ... you know ... test this?

i am using a book to learn Xcode 6 and the Xcode 7 does not work with code on the book,

give us time and publisher who wrote a book for xcode 6 and swift 1.2 ...

omg ... if you can not help don't give us instruction of xcode 7 we already know

you should tell us before we doing update which is work and which not working

what i do with my book ... i wait for to fix it or i burn it

take 1 year for publsher to write of Swift 2, that was idiat beta ever

I appreciate you reaching out, however I'm going to have wipe my machine and install Yosemite instead. I look forward to running El Capitan (split screen is amazing by the way), but if I can't compile for Swift 1.2 I can't work.

For what it's worth, this is the first time I've seen an OS upgrade break the existing installation of Xcode.

Yeah, I've been doing all the betas since 2010, and while there are many hazards to using betas, this is the first time its been impossible to use the release version of Xcode during an OS X beta. I suspect that the Xcode 6.4 GM will work on the El Cap beta and that Apple expected it to be available by now. Of course Apple isn't going to say anything.

**** you're good.

Edit- what an impleasant language filter. Dam is hardly much of a swear, especially in that context.

Yes, but there is not stable version of Xcode.app available to use with the El Capitan beta update which causes problems as only beta versions of 6 and 7 are available atm. But thanks to @ch1pa workaround the day is saved! (At least the first El Capitan beta allowed you to run the 'old' Xcode.app which is sensible.)

Ha, I wish I had read this before converting everything over to Swift 2.0... It's strange because Xcode 6 was working on el capitan until the last update, which suddenly "broke" xcode and forced you to use the beta.

Whatever points Apple gives for answers, they should be showering you with those right now! Thank you!

Thank you very much chi1pa, it helped me!