presentDrawable not rendered after wait

Hi, My metal code is working fine except after my kernel has finished, the display is not updated for a few seconds, I can see however that the kernel is running mutliple times over this period, it just updates the screen "every now and then"

The last few lines are:


The log is like this:

kernel run

kernel run

kernel run

Display update

kernel run

kernel run

kernel run * a lot

kernel run

kernel run

Display Update

kernel run...

I'm expecting the layer to update continuously as it's synced to the CADisplayLink - everything seems to be running perfect expect the actualy displaying on screen....

Any ideas?


It seems that the view is updated roughly every 5 seconds...I do not have any code whcih specifies 5 seconds anywhere :-/

Are you performing your render and compute work on separate threads? If you are retrieving and presenting the drawable on a thread other than the main thread, ensure that your rendering code is wrapped in an autoreleasepool.

Separately, why do you need to wait/block after presenting? Generally, this is inadvisable, since it prevents the CPU from starting the next frame until the current frame is complete.

Here's what I'm's probably wrong, but it's all I have:

Goal: To have more control of bluring whats behind the view

A video is playing with AVPlayer on a viewcontroller

Once every 1/30th of a second I capture a screenshot of the current frame with AVAssetImageGenerator
This screenshot is then passed to my function to be blurred
On a different view on a different viewcontroller which is presented over the top. I try to show the image with the following class:

import UIKit
import Metal
import MetalKit
let queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.metalQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
class BlurView : UIImageView
    var device:MTLDevice!
    var commandQueue:MTLCommandQueue!
    var defaultLibrary:MTLLibrary!
    var commandBuffer:MTLCommandBuffer!
    var computeCommandEncoder:MTLComputeCommandEncoder!
    var pipelineState:MTLComputePipelineState?
    var displayLink:CADisplayLink!
    let bytesPerPixel: Int = 4
    var outTexture: MTLTexture!
    @IBOutlet weak var videoViewController:VideoViewController!
        DLog("deinit \(String(self.dynamicType))")
        if displayLink != nil
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
    func setup()
        dispatch_async(queue) { () -> Void in
            self.device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!
            self.commandQueue = self.device.newCommandQueue()
            self.defaultLibrary = self.device.newDefaultLibrary()!
            let function:MTLFunction = self.defaultLibrary.newFunctionWithName("pixelate")!
                self.pipelineState = try self.device.newComputePipelineStateWithFunction(function)
                fatalError("Unable to create pipeline state")
    override func didMoveToSuperview() {
        if let _ = self.superview
            self.displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(BlurView.displayLinkDidFire(_:)))
            self.displayLink.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
        } else {
            self.displayLink = nil
    func displayLinkDidFire(displayLink:CADisplayLink)
        autoreleasepool {
    func apply()
        dispatch_async(queue) { () -> Void in
            // img from screenshot
            guard let img = self.videoViewController?.currentImage else {
            let inTexture:MTLTexture = self.textureFromImage(img)
            let threadGroupCount = MTLSizeMake(16, 16, 1)
            let threadGroups = MTLSizeMake(inTexture.width / threadGroupCount.width, inTexture.height / threadGroupCount.height, 1)
            let commandBuffer = self.commandQueue.commandBuffer()
            let commandEncoder = commandBuffer.computeCommandEncoder()
            commandEncoder.setTexture(inTexture, atIndex: 0)
            commandEncoder.setTexture(self.outTexture, atIndex: 1)
            var pixelSize: UInt = 60
            let buffer = self.device.newBufferWithBytes(&pixelSize, length: sizeof(UInt), options: [MTLResourceOptions.StorageModeShared])
            commandEncoder.setBuffer(buffer, offset: 0, atIndex: 0)
            commandEncoder.dispatchThreadgroups(threadGroups, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadGroupCount)
            let finalResult = self.imageFromTexture(self.outTexture)
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
// Called, but doesn't seem to update with correct image.
                self.image = finalResult
            DLog("should show: \(NSDate())")
    func textureFromImage(image: UIImage) -> MTLTexture {
        guard let cgImage = image.CGImage else {
            fatalError("Can't open image \(image)")
        let textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device: self.device)
        do {
            let textureOut = try textureLoader.newTextureWithCGImage(cgImage, options: nil)
            let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat(textureOut.pixelFormat, width: textureOut.width, height: textureOut.height, mipmapped: false)
            outTexture = self.device.newTextureWithDescriptor(textureDescriptor)
            return textureOut
        catch {
            fatalError("Can't load texture")
    func imageFromTexture(texture: MTLTexture) -> UIImage {
        let imageByteCount = texture.width * texture.height * bytesPerPixel
        let bytesPerRow = texture.width * bytesPerPixel
        var src = [UInt8](count: Int(imageByteCount), repeatedValue: 0)
        let region = MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height)
        texture.getBytes(&src, bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, fromRegion: region, mipmapLevel: 0)
        let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: (CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder32Big.rawValue | CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast.rawValue))
        let bitsPerComponent = 8
        let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
        let context = CGBitmapContextCreate(&src, texture.width, texture.height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapInfo.rawValue);
        let dstImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
        return UIImage(CGImage: dstImage!, scale: 0.0, orientation: UIImageOrientation.DownMirrored)

Why am I not using UIVisualEffectView? - The designer is not happy with it.

A thread here seems to be suffering the same issue:

Here's a really stripped down version of what I'm trying to do:

Ok, seems it's my fault. The image creation is just to slow, swapped to a faster method!