Extending the ORKAnswerTypeScale or other approach?

The scale answer type is pretty nice for logging stuff like pain, but I also need to log the location on the body where the subject is experiencing the pain. I have made a picker as a subclass of UIView and used that in an app, but now with CareKit, it and ResearchKit is a perfect match.

The question is how I incorporate my custom UIView into an answer with a scale picker.

I was hoping there was a way to just put a view into an answer step, but after some reading I now really fear I have to fork ResearchKit and make a ORKAnswerTypeImageMap.

Anyone with a suggestion on how Ill solve this problem?


The link shows the UIVIew I subclassed, it uses UIBezierPaths for each body part, and has the front and back side of the body.


Can you post your question to the Issues section of the ResearchKit github repository? Not only will you get an answer, but you might find that others would like to have a similar functionality added to the RK framework.

Did you find an answer to your question? I'm currently trying to implement a star rating system using a different framework, but I'm not sure if that's possible...thanks!