10.11.4 beta 5 - XProtect (and other) updates not installing (marked as 'Ramped')


Digging into the Transmission BT malware fiasco. I'm on 10.11.4 beta 5 - and I currently have XProtect 2075.

I see the OSX.KeRanger.A malware is just added to XProtect 2076. When I check /var/log/install.log - this is marked as a 'Ramped' update.

Is there an issue with updates such as this not coming down on beta versions ?

I have plenty of logs and other information - but this forum keeps flagging my message as having invalid characters. I'm already frustrated and struggling - so this is just adding to the pain.

If anyone wants the details - I will try to post more in a follow up. Just struggling to get this first post out to begin with.



Going to try pastebin. No idea what my 'invalid character' is - but I'm nearly out of patience.


I just hit the App Store and saw beta 6 was out - so I installed it. Unfortunately XProtect is still at 2075 - and no amount of coaxing through App Store or softwareupdate (command line) can seem to make it go.


Can anyone at least tell me what a 'ramped update' is ? I assume it means 'held back' / 'postponed' ?

Still at 2075 btw.

Just installed beta 7 - finally at ver. 2076 for XProtect.

Would still love to know what 'ramped' updates means though....