iTunes Connect Test User invite not working

In users and roles section of itunes connect. I have sent invites to few internal testers by clicking add button in iTunes Connect users section. The invite email goes into their email account but clicking on activate your account opens up a blank page or sometimes 404 error. Resending invitation also does not help. Is this an apple issue or I am doing anything wrong. Please help.


This worked for me! Thank you!

Sean, if you get people to forward you the activation email you can do it on their behalf. I've added half a dozen this way. You don't need any of their login details, just tick the checkbox and accept once you've used apboyle's workaround. It'll redirect you to a login screen but at that point their email has been verified and they should be able to login themselves as per normal.

Saved my job!! you deserve a position in Apple....

I'm not sure what "paste into the console means?

Figured out console, but don't know what "you may need to tap the ">_" button to make it visible" - I can see the script I pasted but nothing is happening on the webpage - I'm sure I'm doing something wrong:(

1) Open the activation URL in Chrome

2) Open Chrome Developer Tools (Cmd-Alt-I on OS X, Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows)

3) Go to the Sources tab

4) Find main.js (

5) Modify line 20 to replace "" with ""

6) Select the contents of the main.js file and copy to the clipboard

7) Paste into the console (you may need to tap the ">_" button to make it visible)

8) Press <Enter>

This worked for me.

But we still face issue where i am not able to add users to Internal Testers group.

Me too: 23115688. They replied and asked for both an Apple ID and an affected app ID, which was a bit confusing.

I noticed their system status page is failing to load right now which I guess is an improvement in accuracy over claiming everything is fine.

Good shout, cheers.

Just a heads-up guys, I've successfully added 3 internal testers in the past hour.

Everything seems to be working now as of this morning.

Can anyone else comfirm this? I just got off the phone with apple.develop and they said they are still working on the issue.

today the same? help

Seems so😟

Is there any trick again as apboylefound in October? Since I couldn't find either "" or "".

Best regards

I just open link in Safari and works fine.