




Ionic Cordova onesignal Asset validation failed iOS upload issue
What happened? facing issue to upload on ios TestFlight xcode version 16 macOS 15.0 xcrun bitcode_strip -r platforms/ios/YourApp/Plugins/YourFramework.framework/YourFramework -o platforms/ios/YourApp/Plugins/YourFramework.framework/YourFramework already tried bitcode_strip command but also that didn't work. The following issues occurred while distributing your application. Asset validation failed Invalid Executable. The executable '***** OneSignal' contains bitcode. (ID: fda6a528-a835-4b16-8252-893d8d16acbd) Steps to reproduce? create build , upload it on testflight and you'll get error OneSignal Cordova SDK version Release 3.3.1 Which platform(s) are affected? iOS
Can't connect XCode and brand new Iphone 16 pro
I have this error for 5 min : title: Waiting to reconnect to {Iphone_Name} content: Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe800010f (kAMDMobileImageMounterPersonalizedBundleMissingVariantError: The bundle image is missing the requested variant for this device.) after a while : title: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device. content: Error mounting image: 0xe800010f (kAMDMobileImageMounterPersonalizedBundleMissingVariantError: The bundle image is missing the requested variant for this device.) What has been tryed : - Xcode : clean - Xcode : close - Iphone : unpluged - Iphone : Remove trusted device - Iphone : Remove Dev mode - Iphone : Re-active dev mode (then reboot) - Iphone : Accepte dev mode - Iphone : wait 5 min - Iphone : connect to the macbook pro (M1) - Iphone : accepte first form - XCode : start it - Iphone : accepte second form - XCode : select my project THEN BUG SAME PLAIN OLD APPLE BUG (again and again) (I have try it like 20 times, i'm fed up now) I have paid for a pro (100euros) account to be able to push to my brand new iphone. I have tried everything, like : remove xcode, re-install it. No Update for the iphone. sudo installer -pkg /Applications/ -target / What I can do : - Buy a subscription to store my iphone on icloud (cause basic option is already full) - Ask a refound for the iphone (obviously not working) and my apple subscription developers. And fix my old iphone. No point to buy brand new device that is not working. Also, same error with my brand new ipad pro 16 pouce. I can't push to the store, cause you ask screen shot. But I can't start the apps, so i can't have screen shot. So i have to change my plans in terms of project. Please help, before I switch to a full web stack based on rust
My App crashes run-time occasionally when I use AVFoundation and related code
I am developing an app for Vehicle owners with a built-in map navigation feature with voice navigation support. The app works fine without voice navigation but when I use voice navigation it occasionally crashes and it crashes while voice navigation is not in progress. What makes it impossible to diagnose is that even though it crashed 10 times on the flight, I don't see any crash reports in 'Apple Connect'. I tried running it in a simulator and it didn't crash there! but on a real device, when I drive with the app navigating me I crashes abruptly after a few minutes and it's not while the voice navigation is speaking! I also ran the app without AVFoundation and it did not crash then. So I am 100% sure it is something with this AVFoundation framework. If anyone can help find the problem in my following code it would be really helpful. import SwiftUI import AVFoundation struct DirectionHeaderView: View { @Environment(\.colorScheme) var bgMode: ColorScheme var directionSign: String? var nextStepDistance: String var instruction: String @Binding var showDirectionsList: Bool @Binding var height: CGFloat @StateObject var locationDataManager: LocationDataManager @State private var synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer() @State private var audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() @State private var lastInstruction: String = "" @State private var utteranceDistance: String = "" @State private var isStepExited = false @State private var range = 20.0 var body: some View { VStack { HStack { VStack { if let directionSign = directionSign { Image(systemName: directionSign) } if !instruction.contains("Re-calculating the route...") { Text("\(nextStepDistance)") .onChange(of: nextStepDistance) { let distance = getDistanceInNumber(distance: nextStepDistance) if distance <= range && !isStepExited { startVoiceNavigation(with: instruction) isStepExited = true } } } } Spacer() Text(instruction) .onAppear { isStepExited = false utteranceDistance = nextStepDistance range = nextStepRange(distance: utteranceDistance) startVoiceNavigation(with: "In \(utteranceDistance), \(instruction)") } .onChange(of: instruction) { isStepExited = false utteranceDistance = nextStepDistance range = nextStepRange(distance: utteranceDistance) startVoiceNavigation(with: "In \(utteranceDistance), \(instruction)") } .padding(10) Spacer() } } .padding(.horizontal,10) .background(bgMode == .dark ? : Color.white.gradient) } func startVoiceNavigation(with utterance: String) { if instruction.isEmpty || utterance.isEmpty { return } if instruction.contains("Re-calculating the route...") { synthesizer.stopSpeaking(at: AVSpeechBoundary.immediate) return } let thisUttarance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: utterance) lastInstruction = instruction if audioSession.category == .playback && audioSession.categoryOptions == .mixWithOthers { DispatchQueue.main.async { synthesizer.speak(thisUttarance) } } else { setupAudioSession() DispatchQueue.main.async { synthesizer.speak(thisUttarance) } } } func setupAudioSession() { do { try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers) try audioSession.setActive(true) } catch { print("error:\(error.localizedDescription)") } } func nextStepRange(distance: String) -> Double { var thisStepDistance = getDistanceInNumber(distance: distance) if thisStepDistance != 0 { switch thisStepDistance { case 0...200: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return thisStepDistance/1.5 } else { return thisStepDistance/2 } case 201...300: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return 120 } else { return 100 } case 301...500: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return 150 } else { return 125 } case 501...1000: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return 250 } else { return 200 } case 1001...10000: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return 250 } else { return 200 } default: if locationDataManager.speed >= 90 { return 250 } else { return 200 } } } return 200 } func getDistanceInNumber(distance: String) -> Double { var thisStepDistance = 0.0 if distance.contains("km") { let stepDistanceSplits = distance.split(separator: " ") let stepDistanceText = String(stepDistanceSplits[0]) if let dist = Double(stepDistanceText) { thisStepDistance = dist * 1000 } } else { var stepDistanceSplits = distance.split(separator: " ") var stepDistanceText = String(stepDistanceSplits[0]) if let dist = Double(stepDistanceText) { thisStepDistance = dist } } return thisStepDistance } } #Preview { DirectionHeaderView(directionSign: "", nextStepDistance: "", instruction: "", showDirectionsList: .constant(false), height: .constant(0), locationDataManager: LocationDataManager()) }
Xcode 16 missing the DeviceSupport for iOS17 and above
i am unable to deploy the iOS app with automation using below command: ios-deploy --bundle /Users/XXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iOSClient2-XXXXXXX/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ --id 00008020-XXXXXXXXX --justlaunch --verbose with the error: ------ Debug phase ------ Starting debug of 00008120-000C713236E0A01E (D38AP, D38AP, uknownos, unkarch, 18.1, 22B83) a.k.a. 'Svt’s iPhone' connected through USB... Device Class: iPhone build: 22B83 version: 18.1 Found Xcode developer dir /Applications/ version: 18.0 version: 18 2024-11-08 15:26:09.531 ios-deploy[33496:644410] [ !! ] Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory with suffix 'DeveloperDiskImage.dmg'. This probably means you don't have Xcode installed, you will need to launch the app manually and logging output will not be shown! Observation: Xcode 16 missing the DeviceSupport for iOS17 and above. /Applications/ Xcode: Version 16.1 (16B40 iOS: iOS17 and above
Xcode 16 destroys Objective-C Developer Documentation
In Xcode 16, even if Objective-C is selected, the Navigator in the documentation viewer displays Swift information. I don't know when this bug was introduced, but it's there in the last Xcode 16 betas at least. I hope as many developers as possible submit this bug to Apple to get their attention. P.S. Yes, I know there's Dash. For many years, Dash was a much better option than Xcode's built-in viewer. However, in version 5, the Dash developer introduced some unfortunate UI changes that made Xcode a better option to view the documentation in certain cases. Unfortunately, the Dash developer doesn't seem to be interested in user feedback anymore. He's been ignoring suggestions and user requests for years by now.
Swift playgrounds ipad/icloud
Bonjour, a chaque installation de swift playgrounds sur ipad, icloud empeche la sauvegarde et empeche donc d’ouvrir les app. sur icloud drive les fichiers sont present mais a zero ko. par contre les fichiers playgroundsbook fonctionnent. la premiere solution que j’ai ***** etait de desactivé la sauvegarde icloud et ca a fonctionné en local. mais comme je veux mes fichiers sur le icloud drive j’ai tenté une autre approche. j’ai tenté de copié mes fichiers en local sur icloud drive ca ne fonctionne pas. puis j’ai juste fait un drag/drop de fichier app vers le playgrounds. l’app s’ouvre mais n’est pas sauvegardé dans icloud drive. par contre les modifs sont bien enregistrées. enfin j’ai refait la meme approche, une fois l’app ouverte dans playgrounds je l’ai partagé puis enregistré dans icloud. cette fois ci le fichier est pris en compte et fonctionne.
Xcode doc. error: There is no 'asset catalog' in Project Navigator
In several places on I read: "In the Project navigator, select an asset catalog." But my Project Navigator does NOT contain any "asset catalog". So it's impossible to follow the instructions of the documentation, and thus specify a new app icon (set). I can add that I use Xcode 16.1 on MacOS 15.0.1 Sequoia. I have added a screen shot to document what I am saying. I have also reported this error in
Empty canvas in Swift Playgrounds Mac 15.1
Hi, First post and I am a total newbie when it comes to Ipads & Macs... And also this forum, so sorry if I post in wrong section. My son use Ipad at school and they use Swift Playground there. To be able to do some programming at home, I have set up Vmware with Sequoia 15.1. I installed the app Swift Playground and try to run the playground Get Started with Code and some other education playgrounds. If I understand correctly, it should be some landscape and a figure on the canvas... For me it is only a blue area. I installed XCode, but could not figure out how to run the learning examples there. Tips? Is it possible to run the education playgrounds there? I removed Swift Playgrounds and installed it again, same issue. I also installed IOS 18.1 (?) but I am not sure it is needed. Any suggestion of how I can get contents to show on the canvas? Except of bying an Ipad. ;)
pod file error
require File.join(File.dirname(node --print "require.resolve('expo/package.json')"), "scripts/autolinking") require File.join(File.dirname(node -e "console.log(require.resolve('react-native/package.json'))"), "scripts/react_native_pods") require 'json' podfile_properties = JSON.parse(, ''))) rescue {} ENV['RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED'] = podfile_properties['newArchEnabled'] == 'true' ? '1' : '0' ENV['EX_DEV_CLIENT_NETWORK_INSPECTOR'] = podfile_properties['EX_DEV_CLIENT_NETWORK_INSPECTOR'] use_modular_headers! # Enable modular headers globally use_autolinking_method_symbol = ('use' + '_native' + '_modules!').to_sym origin_autolinking_method = self.method(use_autolinking_method_symbol) self.define_singleton_method(use_autolinking_method_symbol) do |*args| if ENV['EXPO_UNSTABLE_CORE_AUTOLINKING'] == '1' Pod::UI.puts('Using expo-modules-autolinking as core autolinking source'.green) config_command = [ 'node', '--no-warnings', '--eval', 'require(require.resolve('expo-modules-autolinking', { paths: [require.resolve('expo/package.json')] }))(process.argv.slice(1))', 'react-native-config', '--json', '--platform', 'ios' ] else end end platform :ios, podfile_properties['ios.deploymentTarget'] || '13.4' install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false prepare_react_native_project! target 'StayRealtor' do use_expo_modules! config = use_native_modules! use_frameworks! :linkage => :dynamic # Enable dynamic frameworks globally use_react_native!( :path => config[:reactNativePath], :hermes_enabled => podfile_properties['expo.jsEngine'] == nil || podfile_properties['expo.jsEngine'] == 'hermes', :app_path => "#{Pod::Config.instance.installation_root}/..", :privacy_file_aggregation_enabled => podfile_properties['apple.privacyManifestAggregationEnabled'] != 'false', ) Adding Firebase dependencies with modular headers pod 'Firebase', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseCoreInternal', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseCore', :modular_headers => true pod 'Firebase/Auth', :modular_headers => true pod 'Firebase/Firestore', :modular_headers => true pod 'Firebase/InAppMessaging', :modular_headers => true pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', :modular_headers => true pod 'Firebase/Storage', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseAuthInterop', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseAppCheckInterop', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseCoreExtension', :modular_headers => true pod 'RecaptchaInterop', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseFirestoreInternal', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseInstallations', :modular_headers => true pod 'FirebaseABTesting', :modular_headers => true pod 'nanopb', :modular_headers => true pod 'GoogleDataTransport', :modular_headers => true pod 'GoogleUtilities', :modular_headers => true; post_install do |installer| react_native_post_install( installer, config[:reactNativePath], :mac_catalyst_enabled => false, :ccache_enabled => podfile_properties['apple.ccacheEnabled'] == 'true', ) # Fix for Xcode 14 signing resource bundles installer.target_installation_results.pod_target_installation_results .each do |pod_name, target_installation_result| target_installation_result.resource_bundle_targets.each do |resource_bundle_target| resource_bundle_target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO' end end end end post_integrate do |installer| begin expo_patch_react_imports!(installer) rescue => e Pod::UI.warn e end end end error:[!] The following Swift pods cannot yet be integrated as static libraries: The Swift pod FirebaseAuth depends upon FirebaseAuthInterop, FirebaseAppCheckInterop, FirebaseCoreExtension, and RecaptchaInterop, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies. The Swift pod FirebaseFirestore depends upon FirebaseCoreExtension and FirebaseFirestoreInternal, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies. The Swift pod FirebaseInAppMessaging depends upon FirebaseInstallations, FirebaseABTesting, and nanopb, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies. The Swift pod FirebaseRemoteConfig depends upon FirebaseABTesting and FirebaseInstallations, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies. The Swift pod FirebaseSessions depends upon FirebaseCoreExtension, FirebaseInstallations, GoogleDataTransport, and nanopb, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies. The Swift pod FirebaseStorage depends upon FirebaseAppCheckInterop, FirebaseAuthInterop, and FirebaseCoreExtension, which do not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies.
Error: captureSession(_:didEndWith:error:) nearly matches defaulted requirement in RoomCaptureSessionDelegate
Hello, I’m working with the RoomPlan API to capture and export 3D room models in an iOS app. My goal is to implement the RoomCaptureSessionDelegate protocol to handle the end of a room capture session. However, I’m encountering a cautionary warning in Xcode: Warning: "captureSession(:didEndWith:error:) nearly matches defaulted requirement captureSession(:didEndWith:error:) of protocol RoomCaptureSessionDelegate." I’ve verified that my delegate method signature matches the protocol, but the warning persists. I suspect this might be due to minor discrepancies in the parameter types or naming conventions required by the protocol. Below is my full RoomScanner.swift file: import RoomPlan import SwiftUI import UIKit func exportModelToFiles() { let exportURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("RoomModel.usdz") let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forExporting: [exportURL]) documentPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet if let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene, let rootViewController = { rootViewController.present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil) } } class RoomScanner: ObservableObject { var roomCaptureSession: RoomCaptureSession? private let sessionConfig = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration() private var capturedRoom: CapturedRoom? func startSession() { roomCaptureSession = RoomCaptureSession() roomCaptureSession?.delegate = self roomCaptureSession?.run(configuration: sessionConfig) } func stopSession() { roomCaptureSession?.stop() guard let room = capturedRoom else { print("No room data available for export.") return } let exportURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("RoomModel.usdz") do { try room.export(to: exportURL) print("3D floor plan exported to \(exportURL)") } catch { print("Error exporting room model: \(error)") } } } // MARK: - RoomCaptureSessionDelegate extension RoomScanner: RoomCaptureSessionDelegate { func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didUpdate room: CapturedRoom) { // Handle real-time updates if necessary } func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didEndWith capturedRoom: CapturedRoom, error: Error?) { if let error = error { print("Capture session ended with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { self.capturedRoom = capturedRoom } } }