Can't get to iTunes connect admin console.


When I log to iTunes connect, I am getting redirected to "Getting started" page. Instead I should see the admin console of the apps.

What's wrong with my account?



Same here. I don't understand why we are not getting help from Apple...

This is preventing us from publishing apps and adding new content to their device, right?

Same here!!!!!!!!

Same issue here. any solution?

I have the same error.

After login on iTunes Connect I just redirected to the Getting started page.

Has anyone found a permanent fix?

I have the same problem and I need to submit an app this week 😕

same here! What to do now?

I also had this issue. I phoned Apple Developer support.

Apparently there are two web portals, the developer portal and iTunes connect portal. The developer account that you are logging in with needs to have an admin role (or higher agent role) for both portals. In my case, it turns out that my account wasn't added as an admin for iTunes connect portal even though I was an admin for developer portal.

same here!

I have the same issue. Were you able to fix it?

I have the same problem, after contact with Apple via email, it's solved within one day 🙂

Same here

this is an error i get. im using a mac and using google chrome

Doesn't make sense. How do I edit JavaScript that is being hosted on apples servers?

I have the same issue. Very frustrating.

Same issue here. I have admin roles for both the developer and itunes connect portals. I keep landing at the "Getting started" page instead of the admin portal on itunes connect.