Hi to everyone:) I am sorry for my I guess newbie question, but there is so much information online and everything is changing so fast that it's pretty easy to get lost.
I am new to macos, bought my first macbook half a year ago. Before that I was mainly coding in php. Well, to be honest that's not the best language to start with but it's more or less an experience=)
Now I really want to start developing for macos and ios but I encountered some problems... if I got it right it's better to get started with objective-c right? even though the platform has its own language swift.
But I barely found any information on developer.apple.com about objective-c, only swift. The last update on this page for example https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011210-CH1-SW1 was in 2014.
Can you guys assist me with this? What would be the best way to get started with? books, guides, lectures probably some tips, everything will be helpful:)
PS sorry for my poor english.. I have been learning it just for 2 years.