ERROR ITMS-90502 which info.plist?

I got this error while attempting to upload to test flight:

ERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice must also have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist."

I searched around I found solutions including:

Setting Build Active Architecture to Yes (didn't affect since my project only supports arm64)

Changing Archive Build Configuration to Release (already did)

Unplug the device from my mac when Archiving (I am already praying to the machine spirits by this part)


Adding "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities" with item "arm64" to all target's info.plist

This is the one I am troubled with. It is most certainly what the error requires me to do but I did for every info.plist I can find in my project. Including the main one created automatically when I created my project, one for each test build(not sure if needed just did anyway), one for the everyday widget extension my app has, one for every framework I used added via cocoapods (I edited the podfile to do it but I checked every info.plist to make sure it is there).

The error still persist, is there anyway to check which info.plist is missing this item? Or are there any other cause of this error?

Answered by Ben Ong in 296232022

It seems like an error on Apple's side. I uploaded the same ipa again today and it went through.

Were you able to solve this error?

i got same Error

ERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice must also have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist."

same build (no changes), it was works fine on yesterday, but it's not working on today.

i have tried all work around which is indicated by "Ben Ong". but not working

This indicates Info.plist has the arm64 UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key, but some part of your build is producing a binary that contains arm64 and armv7. If you intend to support 32-bit devices, you should change the device capability key to armv7 instead, and if you only intend to support arm64, you should inspect your project's build settings, including all sub projects and third party libraries, and ensure that only arm64 is being built.

Are you guys by any chance doing this with a tvOS application?

@edford was this a change that went into effect yesterday?

We have an internal SDK proj file, along with the Pods proj file which still held `valid arch = arm64, armv7, armv7s`, but this hasn't been and issue for our deployments before. There was even a Testflight & App Store build that went through successfully on Tuesday. Yesterdays resubmission though, (with no proj file changes) resulted in this error being thrown.

Edit: (2/22/2018: 13:59 EST)

Unfortunately Cocoapods still builds for all architectures by default, so we needed to update our Podfile to limit to arm64. Solution to this issue below.

I have the same problem in my iOS App. Suddenly yesterday got ERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice must also have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist."

The previsous build was accepted Sunday and only made a very minor change. Tried to add the capacility into info.plist, but that does not make a difference.

After having tried more less everyting in all my targets for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities to no avial, I tried some different things. What made the differenc was updating CocoaPods and all the pods I am using.

Resolved! My app was just uploaded.

We're looking into this. It would be helpful to get your Apple App ID and the .ipa producing this error in a bug report so we can see the issue specific to your app. Please post the bug number so I can follow up on it.


Thanks for the response. I've filed a radar for this at #37794516

Could you attach the .ipa?

I just got my tvOS app to be accepted by TestFlight again. I had to manually changing all my Carthage dependencies' Info.plist files to have UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities of arm64. Awesome.

Unfortunately we don't have the IPA itself to upload, since it was a failed build on our CI and the IPA wasn't stored after failure.

Accepted Answer

It seems like an error on Apple's side. I uploaded the same ipa again today and it went through.

ERROR ITMS-90502 which info.plist?