I have created folders inside my Assets.xcassets.
So I can organize images and group them as "set"
| Set1 (folder)
| | Birds (folder)
| | | image1
| | | image2
| | | image3
| | | image4
| | Foo (folder)
| | Bar (folder)
I would like to use these folders in code (swift) so I can:
- list all folders in "Set1"
- pick one folder randomly
- Load all images of that folder in a [UIImage]
But I can't find a way to list these folders
So here are my questions:
- Is it possible to use folders created inside Assets.xcassets to do the step 1. and 3. ?
- If it is not (well what a usefull folder feature then 😝), what would be the (elegent, easy to maintain/update) way to do that?
the cool thing by doing that is that:
- the code would be agnostic of how many sets they are (there should be many 20+)
- the code would be agnostic of name of images in these sets
- it is easy to maintain, few lines of codes, almost no hardcoded names/ref anywhere
The project targets iOS platform