Xcode9 iOS11 skaction completion not call

let mySksScene = SKScene(fileNamed: "MyScene")   
let common = mySksScene?.childNode(withName: "backgroundNode")?.copy() as! SKSpriteNode         
common.run(SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)) {     

Why so less Code, but it not received call, it run iOS11, and below 11 is ok, if you success, you only change position Of your scene file, and run again, it will not received

let wait:SKAction = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
let runAfter:SKAction = SKAction.run {
            print("wait over")
let seq:SKAction = SKAction.sequence([wait, runAfter])

Kind of an odd few lines there. But maybe I'm not seeing the full picture. Anyway, you can try the snippet above.

Xcode9 iOS11 skaction completion not call