TSI - can I ask code-level support if the app is not yet fully developed?

I am developing a human activity recognition application for iOS and watchOS that uses Core Motion, Core Location and Health Kit and I am encountering some problems using these frameworks. Bugs that I cannot solve alone so I am thinking about submitting a TSI to Apple.

But the TSI page says: "DTS does not provide support for pre-release software. You can post questions about pre-release software on the Apple Developer Forums.

I am planning to put my application on the App Store, but it's not fully developed yet, I'd say that it's 40% done and it's not even in iTunes connect yet. I am still allowed to ask for a TSI?

Answered by QuinceyMorris in 275914022

They mean pre-release Apple software, such as Xcode, iOS and macOS betas.

You can always ask for a TSI. If your question is something they can't help you with, they'll tell you that immediately, and generally they'll refund the TSI.

So, go for it!

Apple means that they only offer support for released versions of their software/SDKs. So as long as your app is using publically available and released APIs, you shouldn't have any trouble submitting your request.

Accepted Answer

They mean pre-release Apple software, such as Xcode, iOS and macOS betas.

You can always ask for a TSI. If your question is something they can't help you with, they'll tell you that immediately, and generally they'll refund the TSI.

So, go for it!

QuinceyMorris is absolutely correct here. However, I’m curious about this:

But the TSI page says: “DTS does not provide support for pre-release software.”

Which page was that exactly? You’re not the first developer to be confused by statements like this. I thought I’d managed to track them all down and get them corrected. For example, the main DTS tech support incident page says:

Can I submit a TSI to get help with Apple beta software?

No. However, you can post questions and find answers related to beta software in the Apple Developer Forums.

Alas, it seems that I missed one somewhere. I had a good look and couldn’t find it.

If you can point me to the page that confused you I’ll try to get that fixed as well.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

> I am still allowed to ask for a TSI?

Yes, you'll be fine.



Definition of Terms

This document refers to the following relevant terms:

  • Operating System or OS, which encompasses all of the following: iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
  • Beta OS, Developer Preview, or Pre-Release refers to the advance access of Apple software given to developers for the purpose of verifying their third-party apps.
  • OS major revision refers to a pending new version of the operating system, for example, iOS 9.
  • GM Seed refers to a beta version of the operating system that is almost ready to go public. For example, the iOS 9 GM Seed is a version of iOS 9 beta that will most likely represent the first public version of iOS 9.
  • The GM version of the OS refers to the version of the OS that has gone public. For example, iOS 9 GM refers to the last GM Seed that was approved by Apple for release to the public.
  • Beta SDK refers to the Beta version of Xcode that includes a software development kit (SDK) matching the version number of the beta OS that you wish to test.
TSI - can I ask code-level support if the app is not yet fully developed?