Xcode 9 beach ball

Xcode 9 is painful to use. I see the spinning beach ball every time I switch tabs, type more than 5 characters, copy and paste, type into a search box... almost any action causes the beach ball to appear for 5-10 seconds. It’s making Xcode 9 nearly impossible to use. This is on a mixed Swift / Objective C code base of a little over 100,000 lines of code.

Tomorrow I’ll try to reinstall it, but it seems like this is a common issue.

Has anyone fixed the issue locally or are we waiting for Apple to update?


Yes, It's so bad I basically can't do my job anymore.

Can you please post the crash report

I might have the same problem !

I'm sorry that you're seeing this issue! Would you mind capturing a sysdiagnose? You can do so by opening Terminal and running the command:

sudo sysdiagnose

Once that completes, please file a bug report at http://bugreport.apple.com and attach the sysdiagnose file that was generated. This will be able to tell us why you're seeing beachballs. If you could also post here with the bug # you've filed, that would be helpful.

I am experiencing the same. Extremely painful and disruptive to the work flow. Raised bug 35119303

I think I know what happened. I had opted into the new Xcode build system, and then went back to the old one, and this is when all the beach balling happened. But then after I went back to the new one, the beach balling stopped.

I also received these instructions (after the problem went after doing the above) from Apple.

“First, quit Xcode. And then temporarily move aside UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate so that new user state is created.

It can be found here


(if it is an .xcodeproject, it will be deep in the project.xcworkspace directory)”

This worked for xcode 10.1 too. Thanks for this tip.

This seems to have worked on 10.2 for me as well, thank god I found this.

Worked on Xcode 10.2.1

Thanks for posting

Also worked in Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)

(EDIT - nevermind, stopped working again 5 minutes later.)