Apple Watch App Crashes On Launch

Ever since updating my apps to iOS 11 the Apple Watch versions crash on Launch. These are very basic apps with no code changes since iOS 10 but both crash on the simulator and my testing devicewhen you try and launch them, When it crashes on the simulator it does not show anything up in the Issue Navigator or report any errors. Is anyone else experiencing issues like this and if so were you able to fix it?

Many Thanks in advance

Ever since updating my apps to iOS 11 the Apple Watch versions crash on Launch.

Please post an example crash log.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

That's the problem! as i've stated i'm not getting a crash log. Very Strange?

That's the problem! as i've stated i'm not getting a crash log.

Very Strange?

Not if you’re running the app from Xcode; Xcode’s debugging suppresses crash report generation. Run the app from the home screen and see if that generates a crash report. You can use the Console utility on the Mac to monitor the system log on the device, which should show you the crash report being generated. If a crash report isn’t generated — which is possible but relatively unlikely — the system log should at least give you some indication as to what went wrong.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
I have the same problem on my Iphone 11pro. SE Watch installed properly but on day 2 the Watch app on Iphone start crushing. Alle support did what they could, but failur is same. The watch can not be unpaired and therefore not deleted from Iphone.

Finely they adviced I have to backup and restore again...

Anyone else have any other easy way to fix/solve/unpair the watch and get it to work?

Thank you
Apple Watch App Crashes On Launch