What is the best way to learn swift programming and app development with no prior programming experience and no iPad

What is the best way to learn swift programming and app development with no prior programming experience and no iPad

This is a frequently asked question. If you look in the forum, you'll get many advices.

You don't need to have an iPad, but you need a Mac, with XCode installed, and better a developer account.

From my point of view :

you have several things to learn in parallel:

- use XCode (do you have it installed on your Mac ?)

- learn a language (Swift or Objective C)

- learn IOS toolbox (all the API) and how an app is architectured.

If you start from 0, look in Apple developer documentation the getting started. I

h ttps://developer.apple.com/library/content/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/

To learn the basics of Swift, you can use the Swift language reference (free on iBooks) and practice in playgrounds.

Once you have done this, you should look for tutorials or books ; there are many with names like "developing for IOS 9"

They are large books, so you will need several months to complete the book. You will learn how to design an app and the main API for the tookboxes.

After, you should decide of a first simple app you want to develop and start developing.

Good luck.

Also check out “app development with swift” its a feee book on iBooks written by Apple. They teach You swift and go through many examples and Projects teaching You the anatomy of apps and their life cycle. They also do a good job of teaching you some of the iOS frameworks too.

Here's a great course for next to free!!! https://www.udemy.com/learn-swift-quick/?couponCode=LSQFOR10

What is the best way to learn swift programming and app development with no prior programming experience and no iPad