I'm trying to store the user's license key in a folder within Application Support as suggested by Apple docs.
The Finder shows a path of Macintosh HD | Library | Application Support which contains a number of folders for apps ranging from Google to VMWare just as I would expect. If I try to create a new folder there, the Finder causes a "Finder wants to make changes" dialog to appear.
When my app runs, it tries to create a folder (based on its bundle ID per the documentation) called...
/Library/Application Support/com.bookup.chessopeningswizardprofessional/
The attempt to create the folder fails.
So the app then asks for the user's application folder and tries to create a folder called...
/Users/michael/Library/Application Support/com.bookup.chessopeningswizardprofessional/
This attempt succeeds according to the function result - but the folder is not actually created. The folder neither appears in the Finder nor is it accessible by the app when it attempts to store a file in that folder.
What would cause the Foundation call to confirm the creation of the folder and yet not have the folder exist?
And if that connot be resolved, what other ways can/should I save the user's license key other than the approach recommended in Apple's docs?
The user-level Library folder is where this should go.
Is your application sandboxed? If so, then the "Application Support" folder is actually a folder of a different name inside your app container, and the Finder may not show such folders to users by default.
Regardless of what the Finder tells you, can you create and then read a file in the folder? If so, then I don't think there's any problem with your app.