Component Installation fails so can't start Xcode anymore

I try to open Xcode and a window "Xcode Component Installation" opens. It says is necessary to install Mobile Device Framework, and won't let me skip this step.

I click "install" and admin password is required (I am de admin). A message is displayed all the time I try:

An unknown error occurred.

See the install log for more details.

The link opens the "install.log" file, but there is no log for this operation, no new lines at the time I try. Maybe the log is stored somewhere else...

Was this ever resolved? Updated to Catalina today and now getting same error when opening Xcode. Unable to get into Xcode now.

Try this one:

and, please, let me know.

This problem is caused by an invalid (expired) certificate.

You can work around the problem by temporarily changing the system date to before the certificate expiration date.

Try this one:
and, please, let me know.


Just change the date to October 2019.
It's wire, but it does work.

This worked for me: $ sudo xcode-select --switch /path/to/ $ sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

Component Installation fails so can't start Xcode anymore