I working on of proof of concept app to load some 3D shapes & display them on a Apple Watch using SceneKit. I am using an Apple Watch series one running Watch OS 4 Beta 3 & get the following error ar run-time:
failed to unarchive scene at file: (omitted)
food.scnassets/burger.scn (*** -[SCNKeyedUnarchiver decodeInt32ForKey:]: value (9223372036854775807) for key (primitiveRangeLocation) too large to
fit in 32-bit integer)
This also happens in the simualtor. This does not happen when I use Xcode 8.3.3 and a watch simlauor for Watch OS 3.2 with same project. And I can also load the SCN file on an iPhone running the iOS 11 Beta
Anyone else having this problem?
I should add that I am creating the SCN file by converting a DAE file within Xcode.