Xcode - organizer not showing crashes


I am having problems with Xcode, I am unable to view the error reports for our app. It works for one of the guys on my team, and we have the exactly same itunesconnect permissions. And it only works for him. Not for anyone else.

When I try to download the dSYMs files for our latest release in the organizer, I get an error showing that we need to accept the updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement. We have checked multiple times that those are accepted.

Are these problems related? And how can I solve them?

Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), version 10.12.5 (16F73)



Two suggestions:

1. Even if you have a team, every individual must also accept the developer license agreement. Try logging in to your account in both the Member Center and iTunes Connect and see if there's a "you need to accept an agreement" message.

2. Try signing in and out of your developer account in Xcode. Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, then remove the account(s) and re-add.

I tried both suggestons, did not make a difference 😟

Same here - can't see any newer crash reports in Organizer as of 8.3.3.

Yep, same here. The worst part is that I cannot find any info from Apple about this. No way to debug it. Tried recreating certificates, logging in/out, setting up a new Mac - NOTHING HELPS!

The Crashes tab in the Organizer recently started listing "No crashes" in the place where all my crash reports used to show. I went to the Member Center and signed off on an agreement that was waiting on me, but two days later my crash reports have still not returned. iTunes Connect reports that I have new crash reports (I also get an email report) so I know that part of the system is working. Does anyone yet know how to fix this?

I'm having the same issue, although I couldn't find anything new to sign in the developer center.

Did you get it fixed somehow?

Nope. No fix yet.

I am also having the same problem, I followed both of suggestions but none of them worked for me.

I am just surprised why can't apple just keep things simple???

I spent a couple of hours chasing many tricks i found from removing files to file content and accounts ... non has worked so far ... :/ is there any hope some where ? hello Apple ... knock knock ... anybody ?

I'm having this problem too. App Store Connect shows me that there are several crashes, but the Xcode Organizer window comes up empty. How can I obtain these crash logs? If I can't obtain them, what good are they?

I'm having the same issue, no crash logs in organizer. Been looking around for a solution for a while now, but nothing promising yet.

Same issue. Crashes showing in App Store Connect, but no crash logs in Xcode organizer. Can someone from Apple please address this?

5302 views already, topic 3 years old. Issue still here.

May we presume you filed a bug?

Beta XCode 12.0 shows No crash logs reported for this version in the last two week but the crashes are available and visible in TestFlight, not in XCode. Why just don't show this feature in wwdc?
Same problem here with iOS apps in testflight, xcode 12.2, bigsur 1.0.1
I was able to view my crash logs in Xcode by downloading them from App Store Connect then right-click the .crash file and choose Open With > Xcode.

After that the same behavior as clicking the Open in Project button from Xcode organizer; It will ask me which project to open and then I can view the crash report and trace it in code.

This is just a workaround. I hope this original issue is fixed so that the same crashes in App Store Connect > TestFlight > Crashes appear inside Xcode > Organizer > Crashes.
Make sure you have chosen iOs apps, not macOs apps in dropdown of Organizer

Having a similar issue.

"Error Downloading Crashes List" An error occurred preventing xCode from downloading crashes list. "username" failed with error: Waiting for future 'CrashPointNetworkListSource' to complete timed out.

I don't see any agreements that need to be dealt with or certificate or log-in issues. Just keeps failing.

Having a similar problem with Xcode 14.1: it constantly fails loading the list of all app versions and some other information like Hang reports from Connect. "Xcode failed to load app versions for *. * failed with error: There was a network error: The request timed out." So disappointing..

The originally reported bug is still present in Version 14.2 (14C18). Sometimes the 'CrashPointNetworkListSource' error appears but usually not, usually the organizer just says "No Crash Logs". That's despite there being a crash on App Store Connect. (Unfortunately, due to a different bug, the crash feedback on App Store Connect provides next to no information, certainly nothing useful.)

Apple, you need to do something with it, there is no way right now to see actual logs of the crashes that happened, even on TestFlight. Please do something about it

As of right now Mar. 22, 2023 NO TestFlight build that is crashing is delivering ANY crash reports. I am having to have users email them manually. What is going on APPLE?!

+1 to everyone here. While the thread has been viewed thousands of times, there aren't really that many actual posts (and that's across 6+ years) so I wonder if this is a much smaller issue than it seems. Alternatively, I wonder if this isn't the right place to file this issue in the first place. To rule out the latter possibility, I went ahead and opened a ticket to Apple via the Feedback Assistant (case ID FB13585955) where I also referenced this thread. If I hear back from them (not sure how public the feedback tickets are), I'll try to update this thread with the findings. Even if this issue doesn't affect many developers, I hope Apple will at least provide us with some debug steps. Otherwise, it's just educated guesses, which is very time-consuming (and wasteful).

Xcode - organizer not showing crashes