Where do I download the Playgrounds folder for the Intro to Swift?

This may be a dumb question but I cannot find the 'Playgroundbasics.playground' file nor the folder where i am supposed to download it?

I am following the Introduction to Swift and I am on Lesson 1 trying to figure out where to find this folder to download.

thank you for the help!

Hi! I have the same question -- did you ever get an answer?

Thank you!

NVM, just found it. It was not with the other files I downloaded but I found it in my downloads folder under Students.

Hi, you can download all of the files in the Page 5 of the book -->《app-development-with-swift》

In Book Develop in Swift Exploration 11 page, I think in every book is "Download student material"

Where do I download the Playgrounds folder for the Intro to Swift?