I want to take a Scene kit view which is normally displayed in a .xib file like so:
SCNView *sceneView = (SCNView *)self.view;
This sceneview is then generally called by the awakeFromNib method from what I have seen.
But instead of the view being created in the view i want to display it in the canvas of Motion 5 which grabbed via the FxPlug SDK via the renderOutput method in the FxPlug API as seen in the method signature. In the signature there is an outputImage where you cna grab the width and the height which represent the canvas in which to use for Motion.
- (BOOL)renderOutput:(FxImage *)outputImage
I want to be able to use the Scenekit SDK and functionaility that it provides but display what I create inside of Motion 5 via the FxPlug Framework. Is there a way to accomplish this? Is it possible to take a Scenekit and convert it into an FxImage so they are usable textures? I know this is a long shot but any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.