When I run mediastreamvalidator on HLS streams (produced by mediafilesegmenter), with SAMPLE-AES applied, the latest version always signals :
Unsupported audio track codec: Unknown - As a 'MUST FIX' issue.
This result occurs even when I run the validator against the FairPlayStreaming example content supplied with the developer SDK package.
This seems to have been introduced in HTTPLiveStreamingTools version:
Version 1.2(170524)
It does not happen with tools version:
Version 1.2(160525)
Is this a bug in the tool? or a new requirement perhaps?
Hopefully someone can help me out with this...
"The mediastreamvalidator only supports regular HLS m3u8 playlists so you will need to run it against the unencrypted variant of your content instead of your encrypted variant."
so I think the result is consistent with that sentence.