GKRidgeNoiseSource broken?

Prior to Mac OS X 10.12.2 I had been using the code below to generate ridge noise the looked more or less like the picture in the documentation for GKRidgeNoiseSource:

let srcRidges = GKRidgedNoiseSource(frequency: 0.1,
                                    octaveCount: 2,
                                    lacunarity: 1.5,
                                    seed: 12345)
let noise = GKNoise(srcRidges)
let map = GKNoiseMap(noise,
                     size: vector_double2(x:200, y: 200),
                     origin: vector_double2(x:0, y:0),
                     sampleCount: vector_int2(x:200, y:200),
                     seamless: false)
let tex = SKTexture(noiseMap: map)
let cgimg = tex.cgImage()
let nsimg = NSImage(cgImage: cgimg, size: NSSize(width: 200, height: 200))

The same code after 10.12.2 produces mostly garbage, as can be seen by pasting this into a playground. Am I using it wrong, or did something break with this noise source?


I'm just adding a reply to bump the question, ridged noise seems broken to me too - I can't get any results like that shown in the documentation (the lightning-style branching). I've tried all combinations of frequency, octave count and lacunarity, and the result ranges from something like particle board texture to fine pixel static.