Disable "Hold & Accept" CallKit option

Is it possible to disable (or not show) the "Hold & Accept" option for an incoming second call with CallKit? I have a VoIP app in which some calls cannot be held. I would like to either not give the user the Hold & Accept option OR be able to somehow display to them that this will terminate the first call (or decline the second call depending upon the final implementation).


The CXCallUpdate has a flag for that but it looks that this flag is not working :-(


To enable button

update.supportsHolding = true     update.supportsGrouping = false     update.supportsUngrouping = false

To disable button

update.supportsHolding = false     update.supportsGrouping = false     update.supportsUngrouping = false

  • Did you test this? In my testing the supportsHolding option affects just the Hold/Unhold on the CallKit screen. It does not affect if Call Waiting works or not. There doesn't seem to be a way to disable the Hold & Accept button on the CallKit screen.

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