Can't refresh contents of File Provider -managed folder (Dropbox)

I want a user to be able to save a URL of a folder on a cloud share using the standard FileManager APIs. I'm testing with Dropbox in particular. The initial interaction is working (I can select a folder, save it as a bookmark, and scan the files in that folder). However, no changes made externally to the folder will be reflected in the app when I refresh the contents.

Launching the Files app and browsing to the folder DOES show the updated contents, and once that step is complete, then my app will again show up-to-date contents.

Is there perhaps some API I should be calling to trigger the Dropbox File Provider extension to update it's cache?

Sample project demonstrating issue:


  1. Launch the app on a physical device
  2. Tap Choose, browse to folder on a Dropbox share, tap Open to select
  3. The app will show the contents of the folder (the 'test' folder)
  4. Switch to the Dropbox app and create a new subfolder of the test folder
  5. Return to the test app and tap Refresh. Notice that the changes do not appear
  6. Re-launching the app also does not show the changes


  1. Launch the Files app (or re-open the UIDocumentPickerViewController by tapping choose and then dismiss it)
  2. Tap Refresh and the changes will appear in the app

Note: None of the other 'cloud file providers' (google drive, one drive, box) even allow the user to even select a folder.

Have you tried using NSFilePresenter or NSFileCoordinator on the folder you are viewing?

The framework engineer may have more insight and comments. I'd just like to share that the issue doesn't happen with iCloud Drive. I tried this way:

  1. Launch the app on my iPhone + iOS 18.4 beta 2.
  2. Tap Choose, browse to folder on iCloud Drive, tap Open to select.
  3. The app shows the contents of the folder (the 'test' folder).
  4. On my Mac + macOS 15.3.1 (24D70) that is logged in with the same iCloud account, add a new subfolder to the test folder. I intentionally used my Mac to avoid launching on my iPhone.
  5. Return to the test app and tap Refresh. Notice that the change DOES appear.

@denishennessy Would you mind to try with iCloud Drive as well to see if you get the same result?

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Can't refresh contents of File Provider -managed folder (Dropbox)